The Quicky: 7 Exercises To-Do At Home
Do you ever need a quicky? And by quicky, I mean a short workout when you only have ten minutes! Well, I’ve designed a short Pilates routine perfect for when you’re in a rush. All exercises are done by lying on your back (supine) with your knees bent feet on the floor -OR- legs in […]
So Tired of Being Tired
I thought I was struggling with chronic fatigue when my 3 o’clock slump turned into an all-day thing. In the last two weeks, I’ve started implementing practices that have helped my energy, mood, and motivation! The Most Important Meal of the Day Start eating breakfast!! There’s a reason they call it the most important meal […]
My 2024 New Year’s Resolutions
This past week I caught myself saying I’m not into New Year’s resolutions and then continued to list four or five resolutions. The truth is, I do like New Year’s resolutions — Not because #NewYearNewMe, but because I want to grow and better myself. Isn’t that what I teach at Equipoise Pilates anyway? That by […]
Annie’s Pilates Gift Guide Essentials
I’ve curated my top five gifts that are perfect for a loved one or yourself! Each of these gifts I have or want to motivate me to get my booty into the Pilates studio. I hope this will inspire you or a loved one to start the New Year off on the right foot! Lulu […]
3 (unexpected) Tips to Get You Back in Shape
If you’ve been following me for a while now, you know that at Equipoise Pilates I help you create a consistent Pilates practice that will transform your body and enhance your quality of life. So, how do we do that??? In this blog, I list three (unexpected) tips that can help you create a consistent […]
Pilates for YOU by YOU — How to create the best Pilates practice with real-life Equipoise Pilates client examples
I often get the question, “How many times a week should I do Pilates?”. It’s tough for me to answer because you really can’t do too much. However, depending on your schedule, phase of life, and other obligations, seven days a week might be six too many classes. Therefore, my short answer is as little […]
Pilates – The Perfect Gift this Holiday Season
It’s already November which means, the Holidays are fast approaching. Just as you’re getting into the swing of things it was Halloween, now Thanksgiving, then Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s, you name it. There are distractions everywhere you turn. January is traditionally the month of fresh starts and change, but what if you […]
A Sunday Mantra
I write this laying in bed with a decaf mint medley tea, football on, and a nose peel on my face — could I be more glamorous! If you’re the type of person, like me, that thrives off R&R, take advantage of your Parasympathetic Sunday (Siff Haider coined this day). Sunday is an opportunity to […]
Let’s Talk About Stiffness
As a spry youthful teenager, you never think it’s going to be you who rolls out of bed stiff and in pain. One day you’re not warming up before you exercise, and then the next day you’re wishing you would have. In this blog, I will explain the cause of stiffness, what to do, and […]
Show Up For Yourself
On a picturesque morning, you wake up naturally (maybe to the sounds of birds chirping), make hot lemon water, get ready, and stop by Starbucks on your way to your Pilates session. (Ahhh what a romantic morning routine and the perfect aesthetic). *Cut to reality* After a long night of work or taking care of […]