Be Your Future Self Now

Ask yourself, if you were to see yourself 20 years into the future, who would you be? Do you radiate youthfulness? Are you still working out? Do you make time for your physical health? My older sister pointed out, as big sisters do, that if I’m not doing something now, I won’t ever be doing it. Her point is if you’re not being purposeful in your choices now, how can you expect your future self to be? She’s right (don’t tell her I said that).

To answer my first question — When I think about who I will be, the future is fuzzy. I can easily think back on who I was — I grew up dancing and I am a people person through and through. A few days ago, my husband handed me the Wall Street Journal article, The Benefits of Getting to Know Your Future Self by Hal Hershfield, and told me to write a blog inspired by it. Therefore, because I’m an amazing wife, I am. The article poses the question “Is future you…you?” In summary, the article suggests people have a hazy perception of their future, and don’t see themselves as the main character of their story. When students were asked about their future selves, they answered in the third person with “he” or “she”. They felt distant from their future self like the future them is a stranger. Can you relate? Is the future you a stranger to who you are now?

The answer is don’t let the future be a stranger. The article goes on to find out that “those who perceived a great overlap in traits between their current and future selves ended up being more satisfied with their lives 10 years after filling out the initial survey”. This suggests that people living their future now live happier and healthier lives. We shouldn’t be a stranger to ourselves. There should be a clear and consistent path to greatness. Joseph Pilates famously said, “In ten sessions you’ll feel the difference, in twenty sessions you’ll see the difference, and in thirty sessions you’ll have a whole new body.” He’s saying to think about where you’ll be rather than where you’re at. Once you begin Pilates, you’ll feel, see, and experience a transformation. Like those who saw an overlap in traits between their current and future self, you’ll be more satisfied with your life having done and stayed consistent with Pilates.

Your future is now. Don’t be under the impression that you’ll start Pilates when you’re 50. Change your routine today for a better tomorrow. Ask yourself, “Who will I be in 20 years” and be that person right now. Many of my clients visit me because they use to work out and want to get back into it. Because Pilates has the reputation of being low-impact, it eases people back into their fitness journey. On top of that, clients end up addicted to the transformation they see in their bodies and the effects it has on their energy. Just the other day I received a text from a client that said she felt “rejuvenated” after her session. Pilates will have you seeing, feeling, and being your best. All you have to do is start today!

How To Start at Equipoise Pilates:

  1. Email me at or I’m only a call or text away at (574) 551-2050 — we’ll book your first session.
  2. Before your session, prepare your goals. What results do you want? Envision the person you will be 10, 20, and 30 sessions from now.
  3. Once you’ve arrived for your session, dialogue with me about your goals. I will design a program specific to your needs.
  4. Throughout our sessions, continue voicing your needs. Don’t be afraid to tell me your favorite exercises, if you feel like stretching, if you want me to kick your butt, if you’re sore, or if you’re energized. I am invested in giving you the best possible Pilates practice that meets your needs.
  5. Lastly, invest in your Pilates practice. Stay consistent and make an effort to come at least twice a week. You’ll see faster results. The future you will thank you!

Like and comment “I’m starting Pilates today” on my recent post. I’ll personally message you to set up your appointment!

By: Annie Maxwell