As a spry youthful teenager, you never think it’s going to be you who rolls out of bed stiff and in pain. One day you’re not warming up before you exercise, and then the next day you’re wishing you would have. In this blog, I will explain the cause of stiffness, what to do, and how to prevent future pain.
What your body’s telling you if it’s stiff
People get stiff from working at their desks all day or sitting in a car, not from exercise. Movement is medicine. Moving your body will only help you from waking up with a kink in your neck or a sore back.
Strengthen & stretch
If you have chronic pain from an injury, strengthening your muscles to allow a deeper range of motion in your joints will help the sensitive area. Even swinging a golf club or tennis racket when the muscles are cold, can exacerbate your pain. To prevent future pain, strengthen your muscles to encourage rotation and mobility.
Dynamic movement
Dynamic movement develops both strength and flexibility. Preventing injury is not just about a lack of strength or flexibility. It’s both. Learn to work with your body and kill two birds with one stone by relying on movements that will strengthen your muscles and mobilize your joints.
I hope this helps!
Xoxo Annie