Pilates for Menopause: “Life Doesn’t Stop At 50”

There is no good way to introduce this topic, so here we go — Let's talk about menopause and empowering women to enjoy this challenging yet exciting time. I can see the eyeballs rolling because a twenty-something-year-old is writing about menopause. However, I assure you that I am writing about what I know best — Pilates. Carolyne Side Anthony, in the article Pilates for Menopause: Here's How it Can Help with Symptoms, advocates that, "As movement specialists, we can care for the menopausal body in ways that may help support these changes and some of the symptoms associated with it." If you are a woman experiencing insomnia, hormonal mood swings, and weight gain, Pilates for menopause can offer hope and ensure confidence. There will be changes and challenges for the menopausal woman, but embrace it, stay active, and as I always say, let the mat meet you where you’re at. Bread Is Not The Culprit Estrogen and progesterone help build muscle mass which burns calories. In the article, Why am I gaining weight so fast during menopause? And will hormone therapy help?, Jamie Bartosch explains that during menopause, estrogen and progesterone decrease. As a result, mature ladies will most commonly experience weight gain caused by a change in hormone output. That means, lucky for us women, bread is not the culprit. Furthermore, since this is a new phase in your life, it is an opportunity to push your body. Ms. Anthony, the founder of The Center for Women’s Fitness, expresses that, “If you're picturing a low-impact, low-effort workout, think again.” She challenges the conventional thinking that women of a certain age should slow down and take it easy. Instead, she says a smarter and, yes, harder workout may be just the ticket. After our sessions at Equipoise Pilates, you will feel challenged yet successful and on your way to your healing, well-being, and longevity goals. “Life Does Not Stop At 50” Once fifty hits and the menopausal hot flashes arrive, you still have time to spread your influence — “Life does not stop at 50”. As women, time is our greatest asset to continue helping, serving, and loving others. Many of you are moms. Even if your children are grown, you still have life lessons to share. To truly take advantage of time, you need energy. The article Your Postpartum Q’s Answered, by Amanda Altma, offers insight into the world of being a mom. She writes, “oxygenation, coupled with the increased circulation you get from movement, is also what gives you increased energy”. The breathwork emphasized in Pilates will have you leaving the studio feeling energized and revitalized. Once you gain more energy, you and I can work on slimming down or developing your long-lost abs.  Setbacks to Six-Pack Abs  Menopausal women face setbacks to six-pack abs, mainly from the hormonal shift in estrogen and progesterone. Every female client I have wants to lose weight around their midsection and develop their core. Adding Pilates to your routine, with the integration of mindful postural alignment, cardiovascular endurance training, and plank exercises, is like a three-course meal — delicious. In any three course meal, we don’t want our main course to come before our appetizer. Similarly, postural alignment is the appetizer. You must have a taste and understanding of good posture and proper form before the entree. During our Pilates sessions, I facilitate a practice largely based around form. Although, sometimes I like to keep sessions interesting and offer dessert first. If you are interested in applying your practice to your life, which I hope you are, my tip is to focus on posture rather than doing fifty sit-ups a day. I once challenged my avid bridge player client to sit up taller during a game each time the deck is shuffled. The goal is to encourage muscle memory, so that sitting up straight becomes an unintentional habit. Our abdominal region is a stabilizing unit. Its purpose is to keep our spines upright. Therefore, let’s use it how it’s intended. Your ab strength will develop through mindful engagement when sitting, walking, doing Pilates, and living. Plus, clients even say good posture takes ten years off.  Age is Beauty Nowadays, youthfulness is considered rare beauty. However, I believe it is more rare to see a woman completely embrace where she is at in life. I find at any age that true and rare beauty radiates from a confident and authentic woman. Therefore, do not condemn aging, but embrace it. Now that your children are grown, dive head first into your Pilates practice. You’ll find that the secret to anti-aging is exercise. Once you start Pilates, you will leave each session feeling like a new woman. There is no magic serum that will add more quality years to your life like Pilates. Like I say, let the mat meet you where you’re at. You’re at a different stage in life, give yourself grace and embrace your new beauty. There is no going back in time, there is only forward. Going Forward My advice to see the best results, is practicing Pilates with me at least twice a week. As a movement specialist, I can adapt to your needs and goals to provide a challenging session that supports the changes in your body. Furthermore, like anything, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. I love when clients fully engage in their practice and can see the difference it makes physically and mentally. I hope this article is a resource and added support for you in this ever changing time. Remember that life does not stop at fifty, the hot flashes will end, age is beauty, and Equipoise Pilates is here to help.   https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/womens-health-articles/menopause-weight-gain-hormone-therapy https://www.pilatesanytime.com/blog/seniors/pilates-for-menopause-heres-how-it-can-help-with-symptoms https://www.pilatesanytime.com/cx/postpartum-pilates-cust https://www.pilatesanytime.com/blog/pregnancy/your-postpartum-pilates-qs-answered

There is no good way to introduce this topic, so here we go — Let’s talk about menopause and empowering women to enjoy this challenging yet exciting time. I can see the eyeballs rolling because a twenty-something-year-old is writing about menopause. However, I assure you that I am writing about what I know best — Pilates.

Carolyne Side Anthony, in the article Pilates for Menopause: Here’s How it Can Help with Symptoms, advocates that “As movement specialists, we can care for the menopausal body in ways that may help support these changes and some of the symptoms associated with it.” If you are a woman experiencing insomnia, hormonal mood swings, and weight gain, Pilates for menopause can offer hope and ensure confidence. There will be changes and challenges for the menopausal woman, but embrace it, stay active, and as I always say, let the mat meet you where you’re at.

Bread Is Not The Culprit

Estrogen and progesterone help build muscle mass which burns calories. In the article, Why am I gaining weight so fast during menopause? And will hormone therapy help? Jamie Bartosch explains that during menopause, estrogen and progesterone decrease. As a result, mature ladies will most commonly experience weight gain caused by a change in hormone output. That means, lucky for us women, bread is not the culprit.

Furthermore, since this is a new phase in your life, it is an opportunity to push your body. Ms. Anthony, the founder of The Center for Women’s Fitness, expresses that “If you’re picturing a low-impact, low-effort workout, think again.” She challenges the conventional thinking that women of a certain age should slow down and take it easy. Instead, she says a smarter and, yes, harder workout may be just the ticket. After our sessions at Equipoise Pilates, you will feel challenged yet successful and on your way to your healing, well-being, and longevity goals.

“Life Doesn’t Stop At 50”

Once fifty hits and the menopausal hot flashes arrive, you still have time to spread your influence — “Life does not stop at 50”. As women, time is our greatest asset to continue helping, serving, and loving others. Many of you are moms. Even if your children are grown, you still have life lessons to share. To truly take advantage of time, you need energy. The article Your Postpartum Q’s Answered, by Amanda Altma, offers insight into the world of being a mom. She writes, “Oxygenation, coupled with the increased circulation you get from movement, is also what gives you increased energy”. The breathwork emphasized in Pilates will have you leave the studio feeling energized and revitalized. Once you gain more energy, you and I can work on slimming down or developing your long-lost abs.

Setbacks to Six-Pack Abs 

Menopausal women face setbacks to six-pack abs, mainly from the hormonal shift in estrogen and progesterone. Every female client I have wants to lose weight around their midsection and develop their core. Adding Pilates to your routine, with the integration of mindful postural alignment, cardiovascular endurance training, and plank exercises, is like a three-course meal — delicious. In any three-course meal, we don’t want our main course to come before our appetizer. Similarly, postural alignment is the appetizer. You must have a taste and understanding of good posture and proper form before the entree. During our Pilates sessions, I facilitate a practice largely based on form. Although, sometimes I like to keep sessions interesting and offer dessert first.

If you are interested in applying your practice to your life, which I hope you are, my tip is to focus on posture rather than doing fifty sit-ups a day. I once challenged my avid bridge player client to sit up taller during a game each time the deck is shuffled. The goal is to encourage muscle memory so that sitting up straight becomes an unintentional habit. Our abdominal region is a stabilizing unit. Its purpose is to keep our spines upright. Therefore, let’s use it how it’s intended. Your ab strength will develop through mindful engagement when sitting, walking, doing Pilates, and living. Plus, clients even say good posture takes ten years off.

Age is Beauty

Nowadays, youthfulness is considered rare beauty. However, I believe it is rare to see a woman completely embrace where she is at in life. I find at any age that true and rare beauty radiates from a confident and authentic woman. Therefore, do not condemn aging, but embrace it. Now that your children are grown, dive head first into your Pilates practice. You’ll find that the secret to anti-aging is exercise. Once you start Pilates, you will leave each session feeling like a new woman. There is no magic serum that will add more quality years to your life like Pilates. Like I say, let the mat meet you where you’re at. You’re at a different stage in life, give yourself grace and embrace your new beauty. There is no going back in time, there is only forward.

Going Forward

My advice to see the best results is to practice Pilates with me at least twice a week. As a movement specialist, I can adapt to your needs and goals to provide a challenging session that supports the changes in your body. Furthermore, like anything, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. I love when clients fully engage in their practice and can see the difference it makes physically and mentally. I hope this article is a resource and added support for you in this ever-changing time. Remember that life does not stop at fifty, the hot flashes will end, age is beauty, and Equipoise Pilates is here to help.

By: Annie Maxwell




